Station 16 Gallery at Papier17
This weekend marks the 10th edition of Papier, a local art fair highlighting contemporary works on paper. Station 16 Gallery will be presenting artwork by Alan Ganev, Jef Aérosol, Laurence Vallières, Mr. Brainwash, Stikki Peaches, and Whatisadam all of whom have incorporated paper into their practice in varying manners, from wheat-pastes, collage, silkscreen printing, and sculptures made entirely out of cardboard.
Jaime Molina (Cutty Up) Joins the Station 16 Gallery Roster!
Joe Iurato and Red Bull Flying Bach
Joe Iurato takes Washington DC by storm! Leading up to the opening of Red Bull Flying Bach (from January 6-8th), stencil artist Joe Iurato has been decorating the streets of Washington with his woodcuts and we just can't get enough.
WAXHEAD at Station 16 Gallery
Art Crush of the Week: Lucy Sparrow
In a recent article for Juxtapoz Magazine (by Evan Pricco and on shelves now!) Lucy Sparrow discusses her felt installations and the effects that they have on people depending on the location in which they are set.
For this week's art crush we look back to Lucy Sparrow's Erotic Emporium: Le Sex Shop Feutré. Lucy Sparrow is an artist that we greatly admire here at the gallery and are looking forward to the many projects that she has in the works!
Stéphane Moscato : Hacking Visuel
Nourri au punk rock depuis son adolescence, pour l’artiste Marseillais Stéphane Moscato, le pochoir faisait parti du package DIY. « On s'en sert pour tout, préparer des affiches, revendiquer son groupe ou un slogan, customiser ses vêtements. L'état d'esprit propre au punk rock, soit de sortir des chemins tracés et repousser les limites, m'a poussé à essayer de peindre différemment avec un pochoir. Je me suis pris au jeu et je n'ai plus jamais arrêt
Artist Preview: Yazan Halwani
Nothing Exists!
Station 16 Gallery is excited to present Nothing Exists, a solo show by the Los Angeles-based art collective, Cyrcle. Exploring notions of religion, science, and duality, Nothing Exists is Cyrcle's first gallery show of the year to exhibit their new body of work.
Station 16 Gallery is thrilled to present Toronto artists, Peter Andrew and Derek Blais, in their first Montreal exhibition, Point Blank. Internationally recognized for its captivating photography, Point Blank is an ongoing project depicting handguns in profound detail. Photographing 100 guns in total, Point Blank examines the aesthetic value of the lethal weapons head-on. The high-resolution, frontal portraits display every fiber and scratch of the gun, creating a startling, yet stunning, portrayal.
La Galerie station 16 est heureuse de présenter les artistes de Toronto, Peter Andrew et Derek Blais, à leur première exposition à Montréal, Point Blank. Reconnue sur le plan international pour sa photographie captivante, Point Blank est un projet en cours représentant les pistolets en profondeur. En photographiant 100 armes au total, Point Blank examine de front la valeur esthétique des armes meurtrières. Sa haute résolution, ses portraits frontaux exposent toutes les fibres et éraflures de l'arme, créant une étonnante, mais très belle, représentation.
Station 16 Gallery is proud to partner once again with Montreal's Mural Festival this June. As its third year running, the 2015 edition is shaping up to be a killer year. In addition to the world-class artists and DJs, the festival will include a line-up of documentaries and conferences, as well as a local market and an art fair. Not to mention, the festival has expanded from 4 to 11 days. Here's to two weeks of incredible art and summertime fun in Montreal.
Enzo Sarto Cannot Be Stopped
There is an inherent shock value when viewing the work of Enzo Sarto. Executed in a clean and crisp manner, Sarto’s photographs highlight a deceptive innocence that demands attention. Although stating that his work “is about passions, prejudices, and fear,” a specific clarification, such as why a little girl wears a bandana around her face like a vandal and holds a gun as if she just committed murder, remains elusive. Politically and socially charged images infiltrate much of Sarto’s work, producing a dialogue that begs for an explanation.
SCOPE - New York 2015
Station 16 Gallery is excited return to the Big Apple this weekend to exhibit at SCOPE Art Show. As one of the largest contemporary art fairs, SCOPE engages with an increasingly international audience and attracts visitors worldwide. Known for its ability to forecast visual trends and emerging artists, SCOPE has a history of innovative curation and presentation. This year marks SCOPE's 15th anniversary of the art fair's New York exhibition, occurring simultaneously with The Amory Show. With 60 galleries from across the globe exhibiting at SCOPE, Station 16 will feature all local artists to showcase emerging talent in contemporary, Canadian art.
JE SUIS UNE SAUVAGE: Part IV of "What is an Artist?"
La première artiste que j’ai contacté pour la version française de What is an Artist est Klor, du duo 123Klan: “Ok, Même si je ne suis pas une artiste???” me répond-t-elle. “Je suis un graffeur, je suis un vandale, je suis une sauvage!” Elle n’est pas la première à esquiver la question. On se rappelle les réponses de DeeDee et Hanksy : I am generally uncomfortable with people calling me an artist et I constantly dodge the label when talking about myself in interviews. In my opinion, it's a heavy term. One that I'm still struggling to figure out.
Seance at Station 16 Gallery
FLIP THE SWITCH: Part II of "What is an Artist?"
I am reminded of the time I went to the inauguration of Omen’s mural All it Takes is a Little Heart in Ville St-Laurent, in the fall of 2014. He addressed the press and city officials with a smile, “Remember when you used to call the cops on me? Now you pay me to paint walls.” This is Omen. He is larger than life.
After reading Sarah Thornton’s 33 Artists in 3 Acts dissection of the question What is an artist?, I sought answers from the artists represented by Station 16 Gallery. Omen was one of the first artists to whom I reached out. He is in Panama painting at the moment and posted his definition through social media: “Artists are people who take you through the world and lend you their eyes. It is more a burden than a technique. The artist has to be both egotistical and sensitive enough to want to convey this vision to the rest of the world.” These words were greeted with much enthusiasm, as is most of what Omen publishes. Fans and friends added comments: “The artist must make things in order to achieve this since what they see is often not yet named or explained in words.” “What we do as artists is a service to humanity,” chimed in another.
New Habs mural by Eric Clement
Les mondes du sport et de l'art se rencontrent rarement. Notre exposition « Gol, Carajo » a prouvé que ces deux mondes pouvaient être compatibles, ce qui démontre que l'art et le football peuvent fusionner dans le travail ludique de Ricardo Cavolo. Le mélange inattendu du sport et de l'art est apparu à nouveau au sein du travail d’un autre artiste de la Galerie Station 16, Eric Clément, qui a récemment créé une murale pour les Canadiens de Montréal. Organisé par notre partenaire, LNDMRK, le projet met en évidence le style d'illustration et de bande dessinée de Clément autour du thème du hockey.
A DEAD FLY ON THE WINDSHIELD OF TIME: Part I of "What is an Artist?"
In early January, I settled down with Sarah Thornton’s new book 33 Artists in 3 Acts in which she poses what appears to be the simplest of questions: What is an artist? Within the first few pages, Thornton is already dismayed to have people reply: “An artist is someone who makes art.”
I scoffed. My answer would be so much more profound, detailed and smart! Clearly, an artist is… blank. What is an artist? Over dinner, my husband, who is not involved in the art world, answered promptly: “Emily, it’s simple. An artist is a creator.” Really? This seemed too all-encompassing for my taste. One can create with no intent towards art. No, it wasn’t simple at all.
La Chambre Design
When exploring some of Montreal's best bars and restaurants, you have probably come across the work of interior designer, Amlyne Phillips, founder of La Chambre Design. Her classic style, found in Apt200, Suwu, L'Gros Luxe, the newly opened Jatoba as well as others, is a fusion of charming antiques with modern trends that creates an ambiance that is as cozy as it is hip. Not to mention, she often incorporate the work of Station 16 Gallery, contributing an eclectic edge into her designs.
Intrusion dans l’univers de Banksy à travers l’ouvrage: You are an acceptable level of threat
Banksy est une figure incontournable du street art mondial. Son nom est sur toutes les lèvres depuis des années, et celui-ci n’en finit plus de faire parler avec son travail controversé. L’ouvrage Banksy – You are an acceptable level of threat lève le voile sur la démarche globale de cet artiste ainsi que sur les thèmes qu’il aborde de façon récurrente.
Banksy is a key figure in the street art world. His name has been on the tip of everyone's tongues for years, never ceasing to discuss his controversial work. The book Banksy – You are an acceptable level of threat lifts the veil on the artist's global approach as well as his reoccurring themes.