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FLIP THE SWITCH: Part II of "What is an Artist?"





I am reminded of the time I went to the inauguration of Omen’s mural All it Takes is a Little Heart in Ville St-Laurent, in the fall of 2014. He addressed the press and city officials with a smile, “Remember when you used to call the cops on me? Now you pay me to paint walls.” This is Omen. He is larger than life. 

After reading Sarah Thornton’s 33 Artists in 3 Acts dissection of the question What is an artist?, I sought answers from the artists represented by Station 16 Gallery. Omen was one of the first artists to whom I reached out. He is in Panama painting at the moment and posted his definition through social media: “Artists are people who take you through the world and lend you their eyes. It is more a burden than a technique. The artist has to be both egotistical and sensitive enough to want to convey this vision to the rest of the world.” These words were greeted with much enthusiasm, as is most of what Omen publishes. Fans and friends added comments: “The artist must make things in order to achieve this since what they see is often not yet named or explained in words.” “What we do as artists is a service to humanity,” chimed in another.

33 artistes en 3 actes art artiste emilie robertson gilf ! Jason Botkin artistes montréalais artistes new-yorkais présage Sarah Thornton galerie de la gare 16 street art l'art urbain qu'est-ce qu'un artiste Whatisadam WIA | 30/01/2015

The Street Museum of Art: Curating an Urban Landscape

The Street Museum of Art presents a unique and innovative approach to experiencing art by extending beyond the physicality of a museum or gallery. By combining the strategic curation and organization of a museum with the guerilla techniques of a street artist, SMoA is the first public art program of its kind.


The Street Museum of Art présente une approche unique et novatrice quant à une expérience de l'art qui va au-delà de l'espace physique du musée ou de la galerie. Combinant le commissariat d'exposition stratégique propre au musée et les techniques de street artists, le SMoA présente un programme artistique sans précédent, unique en son genre.

curating enzo enzo et nio galerie station 16 graffiti labrone Londres montreal art de rue montréal mural peintures murales New york présage Extérieure flegme roa SMoA poste 16 galerie de la gare 16 gare16 galerie station16 pêches stikki street art artiste de rue musée de la rue musée d'art de la rue mobilier urbain l'art urbain Whatisadam pâtes de blé WIA | 28/08/2014

Momento Mori

Station 16 is proud to present “M(omen)to Mori,” a daring still life exhibition curated by the artist OMEN. Please join us for the opening on January 29th starting at 6pm.  

"I have been working tightly with Station 16 Gallery on this and they are as excited as I am. The catch 22 is that every artist in this show is working out of their comfort zone. Kinda exciting.” - Omen

“M(omen)to Mori” will feature the following artists: Cryote, Enzo Sarto, Heiidi Taillefer, Iamrurik, Jason Botkin , Jeff Blackburn, Jeremy Price, Juan Carlos Noria (aka. Dixon), Kevin Ledo, Mike Maxwell, Lindsay Campbell, LNY, Omen, Over Under, Tyler Rauman & Whatisadam. 

Cryote Enzo Sarto graffiti Heidi Taillefer Iamrurik Jason Botkin Jeff Blackburn Jérémy Prix Juan Carlos Noria (alias Dixon) Kévin Lédo Lindsay Campbell LNY Mike Maxwell momentané art montréal natures mortes présage présage 514 Plus de dessous gare16 nature morte Tyler Rauman et Whatisadam Whatisadam | 22/01/2014