
When viewing the work of Eric Clement, there are waves of nostalgia and a strong sense of familiarity; however, the final product is a completely unique creation. An infusion of comic books, graffiti, childhood stock characters, and brand imagery permeates his work, and through a variety of mediums and installations, Clement contributes an unparalleled element to the Montreal art scene.
Lorsqu’on regarde les oeuvres d'Éric Clément, on ressent des relents de nostalgie et de familiarité; toutefois, le produit final est une création complètement unique. Une infusion réunissant la bande dessinée, le graffiti, les personnages de notre enfance et la typographie. À travers une variété de médiums, Clément amène un élément avant-gardiste sur la scène de street art montréalaise.
Mathieu Connery's work naturally commands attention with his minimalist, abstract style. The artist, who took part in the 2014 MURAL festival, created numerous works on the sidewalks of Saint Laurent Boulevard. With a non-traditional approach to street art, he diversifies his techniques and textures while maintaining a cohesive style.
English version by Alexandra Jagodzinski
Mathieu Connery retient l’attention avec son style minimaliste abstrait hors du commun. L’artiste, qui faisait partie de la programmation du festival MURAL 2014, a réalisé une œuvre au sol pour l’occasion. Usant d’une approche non-traditionnelle dans le milieu du street art, il diversifie les techniques ainsi que les textures dans ses différentes œuvres tout en conservant le même style, et c’est ce qui, selon lui, constitue sa signature.
Version française écrite par Sabrina Desjardins
After her prominent display at the Mural Festival last month, Kashink has continued to decorate the streets of Montreal. In the heart of the Village, located on rue Amherst & Ste. Catherine, Kashink has brought her global initiative “50 Cakes of Gay” to Montreal. (written by Alexandra Jagodzinski)
Après sa présence fortement médiatisée le mois dernier lors du Festival Mural, Kashink continue à décorer les rues de Montréal. Au coeur du village, situé sur la rue Amherst et Sainte-Catherine, Kashink a apporté son initiative mondiale «50 Cakes de Gay" à Montréal. (écrit par Alexandra Jagodzinski)
This years Mural Festival (2nd edition!) in Montreal brought in a variety of talent from all over the world. This year Station16 Gallery chose to highlight one of the festivals international artists KASHINK, with the opening of her first Montreal solo exhibit ; "Ornementations Masculines".
En plus d’avoir réalisé une gigantesque murale dans le cadre du festival MURAL, s’étant déroulé du 12 au 15 juin 2014, KASHINK fait présentement l’objet d’une exposition solo à la galerie Station 16 ; "Ornementations Masculines".
This week's article is featured in both french and english. L'article de cette semaine est en français et aussi en anglais.
We’ve teamed up with JACK & JONES Canada on a new and exciting collaboration called 'The Originals Art Contest'. Read on and find our how you can submit to this contest!
This week we have a special blog interview with Parisian artist Le Diamantaire. Sabrina Desjardins, our newest Station16 intern, lead the interview on our behalf! Please note that this interview is only in french, with an english version to follow later this month.
(Only in French)
Le Diamantaire est un artiste français à surveiller lors du festival MURAL, qui se déroulera de 12 au 15 juin prochains. Il s’agit de sa première présence dans un festival au Canada. L’artiste travaille avec des miroirs, qu’il réutilise en les moulant dans une forme de diamant. Le Diamantaire œuvre dans la sphère de l’installation, en disposant ses miroirs moulés un peu partout sur son passage.
Using images of Hollywood icons and fashion models, the New York based artist DAIN juxtaposes celebrity icons, creating hybrids that dissociate the familiar to create something surreal. Coupling male and female identity, playing with proportions and contexts, DAIN unified characters, which simultaneously complements and detracts from the whole. In his correlated images, our idealizations of these famous personalities become empty. This month, Leanna Valente, author of Art & Fashion, was given the opportunity to interview the artist.
By Leanna Valente –
ARLIN in front of his Sao Paulo wall.
Station 16 and Instagrafite have come together to produce the fun and creative t-shirts, with prints designed by a few of the street art community’s very best. With such a diverse group of artists coming together for this project, Station 16 and Instagrafite . Here we’ve taken a closer look at each artists’ unique style, and a bit of background information.
Station 16 is proud to present “M(omen)to Mori,” a daring still life exhibition curated by the artist OMEN. Please join us for the opening on January 29th starting at 6pm.
"I have been working tightly with Station 16 Gallery on this and they are as excited as I am. The catch 22 is that every artist in this show is working out of their comfort zone. Kinda exciting.” - Omen
“M(omen)to Mori” will feature the following artists: Cryote, Enzo Sarto, Heiidi Taillefer, Iamrurik, Jason Botkin , Jeff Blackburn, Jeremy Price, Juan Carlos Noria (aka. Dixon), Kevin Ledo, Mike Maxwell, Lindsay Campbell, LNY, Omen, Over Under, Tyler Rauman & Whatisadam.
On Wednesday morning, Station16 was featured on Breakfast Television Montreal. Adam and Emily, Station16's gallery directors, got up at the crack of dawn to talk about some of the local talent featured at the gallery, along with a live silkscreen demo. We are happy to announce that a silkscreen workshop will be offered at our gallery in the month of April!
Cliquez ci-dessous pour la version française...
The Montreal typographic map. 18" by 24" Fine art Silk Screened Poster by Montreal designer Ryan Labrosse. To show it's true local Montreal Roots, each poster is signed....