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The Power of Socially-Frustrated Artists

In almost every city you go, you will be surrounded by street art. Often, it is eye-catching. Often, it is thought-provoking. But when you come across something that is both beautiful and critical, it is hard not to stop and stare at the piece on the street to analyze the message that the artist is trying to convey.

féminisme féministe art de rue féministe gentrification gilf graffiti manque moi l'art me manque montreal art de rue montréal New York City nyc art de rue de New York street art pâte de blé | 29/01/2016

Artists Respond to Old Navy's Controversial Toddler Tee

Old Navy closed out 2015 by making headlines - but in this case, there is such a thing as bad publicity.

The controversy surrounded a toddler girls' t-shirt that read Young Aspiring Artist, where the word Artist is crossed out and replaced with another profession, such as Astronaut or President.

Alan Ganev artiste artistes vêtements pour enfants unique mode gilf conception graphique vieille marine vieux problèmes de marine relations publiques détail réseaux sociaux jeune artiste en herbe | 08/01/2016

FLIP THE SWITCH: Part II of "What is an Artist?"





I am reminded of the time I went to the inauguration of Omen’s mural All it Takes is a Little Heart in Ville St-Laurent, in the fall of 2014. He addressed the press and city officials with a smile, “Remember when you used to call the cops on me? Now you pay me to paint walls.” This is Omen. He is larger than life. 

After reading Sarah Thornton’s 33 Artists in 3 Acts dissection of the question What is an artist?, I sought answers from the artists represented by Station 16 Gallery. Omen was one of the first artists to whom I reached out. He is in Panama painting at the moment and posted his definition through social media: “Artists are people who take you through the world and lend you their eyes. It is more a burden than a technique. The artist has to be both egotistical and sensitive enough to want to convey this vision to the rest of the world.” These words were greeted with much enthusiasm, as is most of what Omen publishes. Fans and friends added comments: “The artist must make things in order to achieve this since what they see is often not yet named or explained in words.” “What we do as artists is a service to humanity,” chimed in another.

33 artistes en 3 actes art artiste emilie robertson gilf ! Jason Botkin artistes montréalais artistes new-yorkais présage Sarah Thornton galerie de la gare 16 street art l'art urbain qu'est-ce qu'un artiste Whatisadam WIA | 30/01/2015

Outdoor Gallery - Book Signing at Station 16 Gallery

Growing up in New York City during the ‘80s, what one would now refer to as “old-school graffiti” surrounded Yoav Litvin. Several years ago, following a sports injury that disallowed Litvin from any physical activity other than walking, he began exploring the city by foot for miles upon miles while simultaneously discovering the urban arts of the city. Litvin found himself overwhelmed by the progression of graffiti culture into the contemporary trend of street art currently flourishing New York City, which led to an avid following of the movement. As a photographer, Litvin naturally documented the city streets through his camera, resulting in visual recording of the city’s landscape, as well as the idea to create Outdoor Gallery.
livre d'art ASVP grosse pomme bishop203 sortie de livre signature de livre brooklyn acheter des livres en ligne faire face2 dain déesse Elle elle est morte enzo enzo et nio gilf presse gingko graffiti à tout prix glacé et humide indie184 jilly balistique crampes lancement de livre New york New York City art de rue de la ville de new york nyc optimal galerie en plein air photographie roi russell Sheryo shiro Sofia Maldonado gare16 galerie station16 street art livre d'art de rue galerie d'art de rue artistes de rue le joug trop bête l'art urbain Yoav Litvin | 04/11/2014

The Bomarr Blog: Soundtracks to Street Art


While street artists tend to keep their personal lives private, the Background Noise series on the Bomarr Blog adds another dimension to the identity of street artists: their favorite music. The series features weekly interviews with street artists along with a curated playlist by the respective artist. For street art fans like us, this is one of the coolest blog ideas we have come across. Over the past 10 months, the blog has featured a number of Station 16 artists, including Stikki PeachesEnzo & Niogilf!, with the latest edition highlighting Whatisadam.


bruit de fond bomarr blog bomarr enzo et nio galerie station 16 gilf ! valéro mat la musique sous-estimé playlist galerie de la gare 16 gare16 pêches stikki street art artistes de rue Whatisadam | 11/08/2014




Image by Enzo&Nio

Yoav Litvin is a psychologist, scientist, writer and photographer living in New York City. Yoav has recently come out with a beautiful book on the contemporary street art and graffiti movement in NYC titled Outdoor Gallery – New York City, published by Gingko Press. His book features several of the artists showcased by Station 16 Gallery, such as Dain, Elle Deadsex, Enzo & Nio, Gilf! and LNY.

art de rue de brooklyn dain Elle enzo&nio gilf MoMA nyc galerie en plein air poste 16 street art livre d'art de rue Yoav Litvin | 28/03/2014

New Products


Armory Week is around the corner, and as we prepare to head to the Big Apple with an entire new collection of work, we can't leave without releasing some new products for all you folks who will not be attending Fountain Fair (Booth C-201) in New York City. Launching this THURSDAY at NOON online, we have an assortment of new prints that will also be on display at Fountain...

semaine de l'armurerie collectionneurs dain enzo&nio gilf graffiti mathieu connerie montreal New york NYC impressions sérigraphie sérigraphie gare16 street art QU'EST-CE QU'ADAM | 04/03/2014