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A Night to Remember: J'aime MTL

Last night, February 11, Station 16 opened its doors past regular close to welcome the new exhibit, "J'aime MTL", which will be on display until March 1st 2016. 

123klan 3523 Saint-Laurent 3523stalaurent scanner alex art événement artistique galerie d'art galerie d'art montréal art montréal exposition d'art vin aux pieds nus Boulevard Saint-Laurent Bruno Guérin acheter de l'art en ligne acheter de l'art de rue en ligne Canada canadien art canadien art contemporain art canadien contemporain art urbain contemporain unique design montréal Enzo Sarto galerie station 16 galerie gare16 graffiti installation installation d'art j'aime mtl Jason Wasserman la galerie station 16 Laurence Vallières marie claude marquis montreal Ryan Labrosse Saint-Laurent Scanner Station16galerie street art | 12/02/2016

Interview with Vanessa Sicotte: Author of Damask & Dentelle

Vanessa Sicotte recently published Damask & Dentelle, a book of home decor based off her acclaimed blog, and we were thrilled to have several artworks from Station 16 Gallery featured on the cover. A few years back, Station 16 Director, Emily Robertson, interviewed Vanessa. Check out their conversation here for the scoop on Vanessa, her blog,  as well as some home design tips and tricks.
art blog livres damassé et dentelle unique Accueil projets décor maison de conception de maison design d'intérieur la conception de la chambre fêtemixtape quebec poste 16 gare16galerie Vanessa Sicotte | 22/01/2016

Artists Respond to Old Navy's Controversial Toddler Tee

Old Navy closed out 2015 by making headlines - but in this case, there is such a thing as bad publicity.

The controversy surrounded a toddler girls' t-shirt that read Young Aspiring Artist, where the word Artist is crossed out and replaced with another profession, such as Astronaut or President.

Alan Ganev artiste artistes vêtements pour enfants unique mode gilf conception graphique vieille marine vieux problèmes de marine relations publiques détail réseaux sociaux jeune artiste en herbe | 08/01/2016