Every year, around this time, you can begin to see line-ups forming around Concordia University right up to Sherbrooke street. For those who aren't familiar with the super popular Montreal film festival Fantasia, this will be the 16th edition. With sponsors like Ubisoft & Videotron, the festival has grown year after year. With a varied programming and an emphasis on the imaginative cinema of Asia, Europe and the Americas, Fantasia offers a range from unique independent films to international commercial crowd-pleasers rarely seen in North America.

This year the festival is featuring a very interesting travelling art show called ; If They Came From Within: An Alternative History of Canadian Horror Movies. Rue Morgue magazine Editor-in-Chief Dave Alexander brings together some of Canada and Quebec’s most celebrated genre filmmakers with some of the country’s best designers and illustrators to create a gallery of poster art for Maple Syrup genre films that don’t exist.

We worked with Dave to create some limited edition show posters and t-shirts, which you can purchase at the show! The poster was drawn up by none other than Monster legend Gary Pullin! The show starts this friday at Cinematheque Quebecoise. 

Join the Facebook Event Here

Cinematheque Quebecoise, July 20– July 29
Opening gala July 20,  5PM

Click the links to see the artists and filmmakers involved! Features Station 16 artists Rupert Bottenberg & Whatisadam