Cinematic Fail Collage (Alan Ganev & James Gallagher)

Station 16

 Alan Ganev recently collaborated with NYC collage legend James Gallagher, and created the above piece entitled 'Cinematic Fail'. James Gallagher's work has appeared in galleries all over the world, and his collage images have appeared in numerous books, including American Illustration, Communication Arts, and a variety of Die Gestalten Publications. His images stem from discarded books, forgotten issues of National Geographic. Alan Ganev's work is inspired from the same interests, taking images solely from old Life Magazine issues and re-working them. 

He and Alan Ganev met during Armoury Week in NYC. When I asked Alan about the process he told me that the project was sort of a remix of two of their personal works, "James sent me his work, and invited me to play with it by mixing both our styles on a large scale artwork..." says Alan. An awesome experience and an awesome final result. Check out some of Alan Ganev's other work on his site or his Station 16 page!